Monday, 23 March 2009

Group Assignment: Post # 5

Businesses and individuals must be aware of the information security and ethical issues that come together with their dependence and frequent use of information systems.

Not knowing or caring about these issues may bring about loss of confidential information and lasting damage to their business reputation. In this post, you will talk about the following:

1) Think of 2 to 3 ways in which businesses may violate privacy or ethical rights without realizing it.

Search Engines
Search engines is the most popular ways that search the information in the internet, but the businesses may violate privacy or ethical rights without realizing it, the search engine store the IP addresses [of searchers] for so long .Even if the search engines cannot identify the person behind every IP address, people do leave behind their names and other personal information that make it possible to track who they are, what kinds of thing we are searching in, what we are interesting in.

Billing and Shopping Online by Public Computer
Even we are checking email, shopping online, banking, stocks transaction by using public computer at café shop, restaurant, library that already cased the risks to release our personal information, (e.g., credit card number, login passwords), sometimes this also leaves this personal information to the next users

2) How can the violations mentioned in the previous question be avoided or minimized ?

Some ways to be avoided or minimized
- Avoided to shopping online, banking, stocks transaction which involve the banking account or credit card account by using public computer.
- After using, must totally logout, and remember delete all the surfing record, cookies, temperate file, account and password information
- Using the personal computer to do the above activities at home.
- Do not use the share file software (e.g. FOXY) to avoid release the personal information to the internet.
- Do not post the personal information on Facebook
- Do not save the information in the email account to avoid the web hacker
- When using the computer through WI-FI, the security settings are necessary.
- If the web site which asking for the personal information, be careful to handle.

1 comment:

  1. Hi F4 ! You've identified many valid ethical issues that users should watch out for. The question is what are some ethical violations businesses may commit without realizing it. For example, accidentally releasing confidential information so that it gets indexed on a search engine, or accidentally losing USB drives that contain customer data. Firms may also share customer data with third parties without asking for user permission first.

    To prevent such ethical violations, companies should have proper security policies that employees can follow in order to prevent such things from happening. Businesses should also strive to use the opt-in model of information collection (let users tick boxes to give permission, rather than assuming that users automatically give them permission by checking all the boxes).
